The Executive Mentor Program is open to declared and intended undergraduate business majors with a minimum of 24 credit hours and a cumulative GPA of at least 3.4. Ideally, the student will have a minimum of two semesters remaining before their scheduled graduation.
The primary goal of the SCB Executive Mentor Program is to foster the development of confident graduates with exceptional leadership, critical thinking, ethical decision-making, and interpersonal skills.
Additional objectives are:
- to provide the student with the tools and insight to make informed, ethical, and culturally competent career decisions
- to help the student confirm or identify their academic and career paths;
- to provide a source of advice on personal and professional options; and
- to provide a forum for the observation, practice, and mastery of professional networking skills.
The Executive Mentor Program is open to declared and intended undergraduate business majors with a minimum of 24 credit hours and a cumulative GPA of at least 3.4. Ideally, the student will have a minimum of two semesters remaining before their scheduled graduation.
Students may be enrolled full- or part-time and may be local or distance-learning students.
At the beginning of the fall semester, students who are academically eligible for participation in the Executive Mentor Program are contacted and invited to complete an electronic application/ questionnaire. Individuals who want to serve as Executive Mentors complete a similar electronic questionnaire. Preliminary screening is conducted and each Executive Mentor is provided with information on at least three potential mentees. Students selected as mentees are provided with the mentor's contact information and instructed to initiate the first contact. All mentees are required to sign an Understanding of Responsibilities.
Evaluations are conducted each April and when each mentee graduates (or leaves the program for any other reason). The evaluation is in the form of electronic questionnaires completed by both mentors and mentees.
The Associate Dean of the SCB serves as Director of the Executive Mentor Program. Additionally, an Executive Mentor Program sub-committee of the SCB Executive Advisory Committee assists with program evaluation and development of program materials including interest questionnaires and participant agreements.
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